Integrated design

By simulation, engineering and eco- nomic analysis we offer compre- hensive services for individual, eco- nomic and ecologic concepts in new build and modernisation projects. We support architectural design goals, individual utilisation and character of each individual project and find the respective optimal balance between passive qualities and technological features and give answer to fundamental questions:

"what is our renewable potential ?"

"how can we maximise energy generated for on-site consumption?"

"can we transform our old building into a plusEnergy home?"

"when is a CHP-system reasonable and what has to be considered?"

"would an ecologic variant be more expensive?"

Demands analysis | energy concept | economic analysis

1 | Integrated energy concept, design integration, energy certificate:

- EnEV (Germany) - example
- LuxEeB (Luxembourg) - example
- Passivhaus - example

2 | Decentralised generation,
renewable energies, facade, shading:

- photovoltaics and solar thermal
- combined heat and power (CHP)
- environmental energies, heat pump
- conventional energies, wood

3 | Development of integral design
variants, technical equipment,
storage, ecology, engineering

4 | Cost analysis (DIN 276 and DIN
18960), economical variant evaluation

we advise owners, architects, enter- prises and building ventures on new build and modernisation projects.